Saturday, April 23, 2005
Late-Night Jokes
This morning on the United States Senate floor this morning John Kerry blasted the administration for high gas prices. He said gas is so expensive, he may have to marry Bill Gates.
This morning on the United States Senate floor this morning John Kerry blasted the administration for high gas prices. He said gas is so expensive, he may have to marry Bill Gates.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Late-Night Jokes
Senator John Kerry, on crutches today . . . he said he needed arthroscopic knee surgery. Doctors say his knees were strained from all those years of trying to go in two directions at the same time.
Senator John Kerry, on crutches today . . . he said he needed arthroscopic knee surgery. Doctors say his knees were strained from all those years of trying to go in two directions at the same time.