
Friday, April 25, 2008

Kerry Bumper Stickers

(Sent to Us By Martha Harrison)

Vietnam War Hero - But For Which Side?

Whatever you believe, I do, too - Kerry '04

John Kerry - Saying Whatever It Takes To Get Your Vote

John Kerry Won't Just Take A Stand On The Tough Issues -
He'll Take Two Or Three Of Them

John Kerry: Betraying America Since 1971

John Kerry: Al Gore But Without The Charisma

John Kerry: Screwing Veterans One Day At A Time

John Kerry: When you absolutely, positively
HAVE to lose the war on terrorism overnight!

Waffles And Ketchup Anyone?

Don't vote for anyone who looks like a Q-Tip

Endorsed by Al-Qaeda, Al-Jazeera, and Al-Gore

Everything To Everyone - Kerry 2004

Help Me To Help You Screw Up America

John Kerry: The President Dukakis We Never Had

Keeping too much of your own money? Vote Kerry!

Kerry - Anti-Pro-whatever

Kerry - Citizen of the United Nations

Kerry - The same economy as Clinton, without the burning sensation.

Kerry: Catholic When It Counts!

More Positions Than Gumby

More Waffles than Belgium

On the issues, he's everywhere you want him to be

There are some things money can't buy.
For everything else, there's Teresa.

These are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others.

You decide, I agree - Vote Kerry

Thanks to Martha Harrison Of Utah

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

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